Aged, Blind, Disabled (ABD): UpdatedSSI-Criteria State & State Supplemental Payment (SSP)

If a person receives SSI, do we have to verify income and resources when determining eligibility for SSP?

Except in certain circumstances (which are addressed below), verification isn’t needed since we are allowed to use SSI’s eligibility determination for SSP.

Although income and resources do not have to be verified for people who receive SSI, keep in mind that the worker still has to determine the amount of the warrant. There will be circumstances when there isn’t enough income information on SDX for the worker to be able to determine the amount of the SSP.

Do we verify income and resources for people who don’t receive SSI but appear to be financially eligible for SSP?

Yes. If the person doesn’t receive SSI, the income and resources have not been verified by SSA. Therefore the worker will have to request verification as usual.

Does receipt of SSI mean the person is eligible for SSP?

No. Unlike with Medicaid, a person can be eligible for SSI and not be eligible for SSP.

If a person is an ineligible spouse for SSI purposes, is s/he also an ineligible spouse for SSP?

No. Being an SSI-criteria state means the Medicaid program must use the same rules as SSI regarding how the income of an ABD spouse who doesn’t receive SSI is treated. However, SSP is a state program and isn’t required to use SSI rules. Since SSP rules state an ineligible spouse is a spouse who is not aged, blind or disabled, if the spouse is ABD-related then we must treat them as an eligible couple for SSP.

What are some examples where a person can be eligible for SSI and not SSP?

  • Wife receives a full SSI check of $733 and the husband receives $842 in Social Security disability benefits. The reason she receives a full SSI check is because the husband is treated as an ineligible spouse since he doesn’t receive SSI, and some of his income is deemed to the children using the ineligible child allocation. However, since both of them are aged, blind or disabled, for the SSP program we must treat them as an eligible couple. Since their combined income is over the eligible couple standard, they’re not eligible for SSP.
  • New SSI recipient applies for SSP. She states she just started a new job and is making $10 an hour. Since she just started the job her new income hasn’t reported it to SSI yet. Since SSI hasn’t adjusted the income yet, if she works more than a couple of hours a week, we know she’s over income for SSP.

When do we use the ineligible child allocation in determining eligibility for SSP?

You can only use the ineligible child allocation if there are ineligible minor children in the household and the spouse is not aged, blind or disabled.

If a wife receives SSI and husband works, does the husband’s income need to be verified?

The husband’s income only needs to be verified if SSI hasn’t adjusted for it yet. If SSI is counting it, you can take the word of the client or the client’s spouse for the gross income.

Other situations where income will have to be verified:

If the person receives SSI and the income appears to be new, it must be verified. If the income is not new, simply record in case notes what income the client reports on the application and no verification is needed.

Income deductions allowed for SSP:

If the individual and/or spouse only has earned income, the $20 general income exclusion is deducted, the $65 earned income exclusion is deducted, and then one-half of the remaining earned income is deducted.

The $20 General Income exclusion does not apply to unearned income.

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