Aged, Blind, Disabled (ABD): UpdatedCID (Calculation for Income Deeming)

The Calculation for Income Deeming (CID) is a transaction in IMS that will calculate how much income should be deemed from parents to their disabled child(ren).

If the parent(s) have no income, considered categorically needy, or are all on SSI, SSP or TANF, the CID is not necessary. If the child is on SSI, income doesn’t need to be verified unless it’s new or questionable. Furthermore, this calculation is not used when the child is receiving TEFRA or has been in a medical or psychiatric facility for more than 30 days. The income of children who are disabled should not be entered into the CID.

  • Enter the child’s case number
  • Enter the case name
  • Enter the income of biological, adopted or step parents who live with the child and are not on SSI, SSP or TANF. If divorced parents share 50/50 custody, separate CID’s will need to be run for each household. Do not enter the income of adults with guardianship or who have a non-parental relationship, such as grandparent, brother, aunt, cousin, etc.
    • Gross income whether earned or unearned, is entered into the CID.
  • Single or Couple parent(s): If one parent or spouse of the parent is on SSI, SSP, QMBP, or TANF, mark as a one parent household.
  • Eligible Children Information: Enter number of eligible children in household.
  • The “Effective Date” only needs to be entered if eligibility is being determined to a date prior to the issuance of the current Appendix C-1.
  • Ineligible children are those siblings who live with the disabled child and are not on SSI, SSP, QMBP, or TANF. The siblings must primarily reside in the same household as the disabled child. If the ineligible siblings have no income, enter a “0” so the CID knows they are in the home and deducts an ineligible child allocation from the income of the parents.

Example: Calculating Earned Income

Sophia Example is a disabled child who is getting $783 a month in SSI. The family is applying for disability benefits for her today. She lives with her biological mother, step-father and three siblings. Mother works for Indio Ice Cream Parlor and is paid biweekly. Step-father works for Indio Public Schools and is paid once a month. Two siblings each receive $250 a month in child support. The third sibling is the child of Mother and Step-Father so has no child support.

Income Calculation for Earned Income of Mother (Indio Ice Cream Parlor)

Mother provided 60 days of paystubs that showed this information:

Gross wage $120; FICA $9.18; Fed tax $12; State tax $0
Gross wage $150; FICA $11.48; Fed tax $15; state tax $0
Gross wage $130; FICA $11.48; Fed tax $13; state tax $0
Gross wage $130; FICA $11.48; Fed tax $13; state tax $0

Mother’s employer offered no cafeteria plan so a MICAL is run using her gross wages: $120, $150, $130, $130 for a projected monthly income of $284.88.

Income Calculation for Earned Income of Step-Father (Indio Public Schools)

Step-Father provided 60 days of paystubs

Gross wage $3500.00; Indio Health Ins $1200.00; Supplemental Life $15.00; Dependent Care Account $300.00; Indio Dental Ins 60.00; Indio Vision Ins $26.00; Retirement $125.00; Fed tax $420.00; State tax $121.00; FICA $262.00

Gross wage $3500.00; Indio Health Ins $1200.00; Supplemental Life $15.00; Dependent Care Account $300.00; Indio Dental Ins 60.00; Indio Vision Ins $26.00; 401(k) $150.00; Fed tax $420.00; State tax $121.00; FICA $262.00

The Step-Father’s employer does offer a cafeteria plan but does not pay any extra money to help pay for cafeteria plan selections. The following costs were subtracted from his gross wage: $1200.00 (health insurance), $15.00 (life insurance), $300.00 (dependent care), $60.00 (dental insurance), and $26.00 (vision insurance). This left earns monthly wages of $1899.00.

Total calculated parental earned is ($1899.00 + $284.88) =$2183.88

Example: Entering Information in CID

CID 1 Revised

  • Case Number: D000000
  • Case Name: Sophia Example
  • Total Monthly Unearned: Leave Blank
  • Total Monthly Earned: 2184
  • Couple: Any character (x)
  • Effective Date: Leave Blank
  • Eligible Children in Family: 01
Ineligible Children Income: 1 0 2 0250 3 0250

CID 2 Revised

Press Enter to Calculate Deemed Income: In this example $0 is available to deem to eligible child from parents.

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