Aged, Blind, Disabled (ABD): State Supplemental Payment (SSP): Who can be eligible?

The State Supplemental Payment (SSP) is for people who are eligible for SSI or people who have income over the SSI standard, but under the SSP standard. You can find the SSI standard on the Appendix C-1, Schedule VIII.C. Use the amount under “Individual” for anyone who isn’t married. Use the amount under “Couple” for anyone married, even if the spouse is an ineligible spouse.

The SSP standard is found on Appendix C-1, Schedule VIII.A.

An applicant can be considered for the SSP if s/he is eligible for SSI or receiving an SSI cash benefit.  (The applicant must meet all factors of eligibility.)

If the applicant has an application with SSI under consideration, the SSP case should be left in application status. If the case stays in application status until the applicant is approved for SSI, the SSP can be certified back to the original application date. If SSI denies their application for any variation of “not disabled”, the SSP should be denied. If the applicant is later approved for SSI, a new application must be taken for the SSP.

If the person is not eligible for SSI due to countable income but that income is under the SSP standard (Appendix C-1 Schedule VIII.A), the client can be considered for the SSP. (Applicant must meet all other factors of eligibility.) If the applicant has never applied for SSI but his/her income is over the SSI standard, a decision from SSI is not needed before determining eligibility for the SSP.

If the applicant is not on SSI nor has an application with Social Security under consideration, and has countable income under the SSI standard; the applicant cannot be considered for the SSP, but can be considered for QMBP. Applicant should be told to first go apply for SSI and then return to HSC office to reapply for SSP when SSI makes an eligibility decision.


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