- Visit www.okdhslive.org during our Open Enrollment Period. For more information about energy assistance, please visit www.okdhs.org search for Energy Assistance.
- Select Log in then you will able to register as a user or log on. In addition, you can request a password reset if needed.
- Select “Apply for benefits”.
- Enter the applicant exact date of birth, social security number or client ID, and then submit.
- Choose the “Select” next to the case number you want to use to “Apply for Benefits”.
Fill in information about where you live including a phone number and email address.
- Add additional household member everyone who uses the same utility meter or utility source.
The energy assistance “household” is any individual or group of individuals:- Who are living together as one economic unit for whom residential energy is customarily purchased in common, or
- Who make undesignated payments for energy in the form of rent.
The energy assistance household may differ from the household in other OKDHS programs. For example, an adult child age 23 may be in a separate SNAP household but in the same energy assistance household.
To add a household member select Yes on the “Household Changes” button.
- Answer the Military Service questions for the household members.
- Confirm the relationship for the household members if you need to change information select change.
- Answer the pregnancy questions for the household members.
- Answer the permanently disabled questions for the household members.
- Double check to ensure everyone who uses the same utility meter or utility source is included.
- Enter the employment/self-employment for each household member.
- Enter the unearned income information for each household member.
- Double check the income summary and make any corrections if needed.
- Enter the individual expenses such as court ordered child support, out-of-pocket cost prescription, childcare, etc.
- Enter the household expenses. Ensure the correct utility company, the full account number, and account name is entered. If the utility account is not in your name, please explain why. Examples are given for electric and Natural gas.
The following is an example of electrical expenses.
The following is an example of Natural gas expenses.
- Enter any health insurance information.
- Enter the household member’s resource information.
The following is an example of entering property information.
The following is an example of the bought or sold resources screen.
- Select ‘Apply for heating or cooling assistance” box under Energy Assistance (LIHEAP). You may also select other programs you would like to apply for if it is available to you.
- Enter and confirm your utility information. Ensure the correct utility company, the full account number and account name is entered. If the utility account is not in your name, please explain why.Summer cooling will only pay for the utility that is primary source of cooling, usually electric. ECAP will pay the utility vendor that will resolve the energy crisis. If the primary source of heating is propane and you do not have an account number, input your first name, last name for the account number. Example: John, SmithDo Not input incorrect numbers for the propane account such as a social security number, zip code, 123456, 1111111, 00000, etc.
- During ECAP open enrollment your will have additional questions regarding utility crisis. Please ensure you answer all the questions. Review the examples.
- Is your service active?
- Are you establishing new service?
- Minimum required deposit?
Did you enter into a payment plan/arrangement to prevent service shutoff?
- Please check if you are a current, prospective, or former DHS employee.
- Enter the education information for each household member.
- Enter the incapacity information for each household member.
- Select who is the person completing the application. Enter voter registration information and check the box “Responsibilities and Signature for Benefits” to accept the electronic signature.
- Accept the warning by clicking on the OK button.
- Make sure you review the proof of verification list for each program including energy assistance.
- Attach any proof of verification here.
- Review your application by clicking on “See Your Application”. You can print the application and the notice with the reference number here for your record.
- Visit www.okdhslive.org during our Open Enrollment Period. For more information about energy assistance, please visit www.okdhs.org search for Energy Assistance.
Your energy assistance application has been completed.
The funding for the energy assistance program is contingent on the receipt of federal funds and authorized amounts vary from year-to-year. The allocated funding is estimated and reserved for winter heating, summer cooling, and ECAP on a yearly basis. Households may apply for and receive help with their primary source of energy during these three scheduled applications periods each year. Anticipated months for open enrollment are listed below. Please be aware that several factors could result in delayed open enrollment.
Winter heating – December
Summer Cooling – June
Energy Crisis Assistance Program (ECAP) – March
Life threatening medical condition – year round.
Summer cooling/winter heating
Summer cooling/winter heating is not an emergency assistance program. If approved, the energy assistance payment may take several weeks for the benefit to show up on your account. Payment arrangements must be made with the utility company for cut-off notices.
The ECAP payment, if eligible, will only be authorized for the minimum amount required to prevent interruption, restore, establish service or initiate fuel delivery.
ECAP crisis requirement:
An energy crisis exists when the energy provider:
- Refuses to start, continue, or restore service without payment; or
- Plans to cut off the household’s service unless the provider receives payment; or
- Declines to provide additional fuel without payment and the household’s fuel tank is at or below 10% for ECAP and at or below 25% for life threatening; or
- Verifies a cash only, cash advance, or pre-paid account has less than a $25 minimum balance in the account; or
- Requires a new connection or reconnection fee and the minimum security deposit; or
- Enters into a payment plan with the household to prevent the service cut off.
The household’s status in regards to an energy crisis will be verified directly with the utility vendor.
Life threatening
Life threatening energy assistance is available throughout the year based on available funding. Life threatening energy assistance is for households with a member requiring life threatening medical equipment to be operational or whose medical condition would cause a life threatening situation during extreme summer or winter temperatures. Life threatening households must meet energy assistance eligibility and the criteria listed below for medical equipment or medical condition.
To be eligible for medical equipment life threatening energy assistance, you must provide:
- A statement dated with the last 60 days from a licensed health care professional verifying the medical equipment is prescribed, no battery backup is available, and the situation is life threatening without the medical equipment. And
- A verified active cutoff order for the utility that operates the medical equipment.
To be eligible for medical condition life threatening energy assistance, you must provide:
- A statement dated within the last 60 days from a licensed health care professional vwerifying the household member has a pre-existing medical condition that requires heating or cooling and the situation is life threatening without the utility service. And
- A verified active cutoff order for the utility that operates the heat in the winter or the cooling in the summer And
- The day of cutoff the temperature will be verified and must be:
- In summer the temperature is predicted to be a heat index of at least 101 degrees, or
- in winter the temperature is predicted to be 32 degrees or lower during day-time hours and/or 20 degrees or lower during night-time hours
You can submit a life-threatening referral for medical equipment or medical condition by contacting your local OKDHS field staff at 405-522-5050.
You may contact your utility provider and file for a medical claim. Most utility providers will give you an extension for 30 days for you to obtain written verification from your doctor. Once you have your doctor’s signed statement, please fax it to (405)669-4102 or upload it to your case record.
Online at OKDHSLIVE.org and click on Fast Pass Verification upload button so it can be indexed to your case record.
- You must log into your account in order to upload
- Each page and document must be uploaded separately. Multiple pages will only show the first page scanned.
- Shadows on the document that appear between the light source and document may result in dark areas and not be legible.
Send the documents to the local field office. Local field staff will upload the document your case record.
Applications can be completed online during the open enrollment period at www.OKDHSLIVE.org or over the phone at (405)522-5050. You might experience a long wait if you call due to the high volume of incoming calls. The best method to apply for energy assistance is online.
Eligibility requirements for the energy assistance program are based on income, household size, available resources and responsibility for payment of the home energy cost. Only one payment per household is allowed per program component. “Household” is defined as individuals living using the same utility meter or utility source. Everyone who uses the same meter or utility must apply together. If you or anyone resides in your home are Native American, you may apply for energy assistance through OKDHS or with your tribe, but you cannot receive assistance from both during the same program per federal fiscal year.
To qualify for energy assistance, you must meet each of the following requirements:
- Be responsible for payment of hoem energy (households are not eligible for energy assistance if the utlity bill is paid directly to the provider by someone who does not reside at the residence.
- Be a United States citizen or legally admitted for permanent residence
- Meet countable resource standard including cash, checking or savings accounts, certificates of deposits, cryptocurrency, stocks, or bonds
Meet specific income guidelies that very according to household size.
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