Aged, Blind, Disabled (ABD): Respite Voucher Programs Available in Oklahoma

The primary purpose of Respite Voucher Programs is to provide temporary breaks for full-time caregivers to children and/or adults. There are several Respite Voucher Programs in Oklahoma with different eligibility criteria. All Respite Voucher Programs basically work the same way.

Services through Respite Voucher Programs are provided in the form of vouchers once every three months, based on available funding. When approved, vouchers are issued in the amount of $200-$400. Caregivers can request vouchers every three months. A caregiver can only receive respite vouchers from one respite voucher program source.

Refer to the website for specific information about the various Respite Voucher Programs available in Oklahoma. A Respite Locator block is conveniently located on the home page of this website.

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