Administrative Assistant Processes: Driver’s License and Insurance

The Department of Central Services (DCS) provides liability coverage for any state employee who operates a motor vehicle while in the scope of his or her employment and on official state business. DCS does not cover personal errands or other activities undertaken when the employee is not within the scope of his or her employment nor on official business. The employee assumes all liability while engaging in such activities.

The requirement for vehicles used to conduct OKDHS business is as follows:
have and carry a valid driver license;
observe all traffic laws and abide by all driving and vehicle safety standards;
not allow an unauthorized person to operate the vehicle;
operate the vehicle in a courteous manner at all times; andnot consume alcoholic beverages or narcotics prior to or during operation of a vehicle

When a driver is found out of compliance; such as no valid form on file, mileage checks will not be issued.

340:2-15-7. Driver and motor vehicle safety and liability

    1. Motor vehicle liability coverage. For purposes of this Section, a motor vehicle is any vehicle licensed for road use.
      • (1) Department of Central Services (DCS) provides use of state vehicles and liability coverage for any state employee who operates a motor vehicle while in the scope of his or her employment and on official state business.
      • (2) DCS does not cover personal errands or other activities undertaken when the employee or volunteer is not within the scope of his or her employment nor on official state business. The employee assumes all liability while engaging in such activities.
      • (3) DCS Risk Management Division provides liability insurance for a state employee or volunteer deemed insurable (volunteers cannot drive state vehicles). Any losses that involve an uninsurable employee or volunteer are borne by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS).
    2. Requirements for vehicles to conduct OKDHS business. Before an employee or volunteer may operate a motor vehicle while in the performance of official state business he or she must complete Form 11RS100E, Driver License and Liability Insurance Attestation.
      • (1) In order to operate a vehicle of any type, an employee or volunteer must:
          • (A) have  and carry a valid driver license;
          • (B) observe all traffic laws and abide by all driving and vehicle safety standards;
          • (C) not allow an unauthorized person to operate the vehicle;
          • (D) operate the vehicle in a courteous manner at all times; and
          • (E) not consume alcoholic beverages or narcotics prior to or during operation of a vehicle.
      • (2) An employee or volunteer who operates a vehicle is required to report suspension or revocation of his or her driver license to the local administrator or county director.
      • (3) An employee or volunteer who is involved in two at-fault accidents within a 24 month period while acting as an agent of OKDHS is deemed uninsurable by DCS for a period of three months following the second accident.
    3. Reporting vehicle liability incidents. Refer to article Administrative Assistant Processes: Accident / Incident Reports

Any vehicle liability incident that involves a fatality, personal injury, or property damage is reported to the nearest law enforcement officer unless the operator is incapacitated. The operator remains at the scene until all acts required by law are completed unless the operator is prevented by injuries or other extenuating circumstances.

Employees driving state vehicles or personal vehicles on official state business are required to submit Form: 11RS100E Driver License and Liability Insurance Attestation form along with a copy of their driver’s license.

A copy of the form will be kept on file by the Administrative Services Center, the original will be sent to Risk Management. If during the fiscal year an employee renews their driver’s license and/or changes the their automobile insurance company, a copy of renewed license and/or insurance verification is replaced in the personnel file and updated in HRIS.

If you are driving a personal vehicle for state business; a Certificate of State Insurance, Accident Card – give just the cut out card to the other driver (these can be ordered from the print shop), and an Accident Information Reporting Pamphlet (DCAM-FORM-RM-009) must be carried in the vehicle. State third party liability insurance coverage begins when the vehicle is placed in use on official business and ends at the conclusion of official business. Copies are available online or from the person responsible for STO vehicles.


  1. (a) Form: 11RS100E The Driver License and Liability Insurance Attestation, is forwarded to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) Risk, Safety, and Emergency Management Unit and a copy is retained in the local OKDHS office.
    • (b) Department of Central Services (DCS) DCS/RISK MGMT – The following forms should be kept in the glove box of all vehicles.
    • (c) Before operating a vehicle, the driver is responsible for checking to determine that all necessary safety equipment and control devices are in proper operating condition.
  2. Employees and volunteers follow the procedures included in OAC 340:2-15-5.Instructions to Staff to report the vehicle liability incident.


Make a copy of their driver’s license, social security and car insurance verification for file.

HRIS: Create new employment on HRIS system (make sure you include driver’s license and auto insurance expiration dates)

  • Have a completed 11RS100E on file attach DL and INS (if applicable) and submit to Risk Management.

Purpose of form: used by drivers of motor pool vehicles and personal vehicles used in state business. Under state statute, all employees must purchase liability insurance when using their vehicle for hire to the state and for personal use. Each driver on state business must also have a valid driver license. Form 11RS100E is used to provide the required verifications to be kept on file by the Human Resources Management Division (HRMD) Risk and Safety Management Unit:

  • Use a state vehicle for state business only;
  • Observe all traffic laws;
  • Wear a safety belt at all times;
  • Notify OKDHS Human Resources Management Division (HRMD) Risk and Safety Management Unit in case of accident within 24 hours at 405-521-3613; and
  • Abide by all driving and vehicle safety standards
  • Employee’s valid driver’s license number and expiration must be updated as needed in HRIS system.

AA is responsible for running their county Drivers License and Insurance report in HRIS monthly and entering updated dates for all AFS staff.

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