Transfer of Assets (Community Spouse) – After Certification

If the institutionalized spouse’s (IS) name is still on the home property and it is transferred to someone else, it is considered a transfer in proportion to the percentage of ownership. At the time of redetermination of eligibility the worker needs to verify if anyone else’s name has been added to the home property deed […]

Nursing Facility (NF) Review Process

An annual review, redetermination of financial eligibility, is required for the continuation of benefits. The current income and resources of the individual receiving Nursing Facility benefits must be verified. The income of the spouse, if any, must be verified for the purpose of deeming. The resources of the spouse must be reviewed to verify whether […]

ADvantage Review Process

An annual review, redetermination of financial eligibility, is required for the continuation of benefits. The current income and resources of the individual receiving ADvantage Waiver benefits must be verified. The resources of the spouse, if any, must be reviewed to verify whether or not a transfer of assets has occurred. See article entitled LTC: Transfer […]