Topic: Financial Eligibility
Diversion Assistance (DA) is a one-time payment to assist in an immediate need to retain or obtain employment. An applicant may only be approved for DA once in his or her lifetime and once approved, the family is not eligible to receive a TANF cash assistance payment for 12 calendar months. Therefore, it is vital […]
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Diversion Assistance Program.
ELDERS Procedures regarding Financial Eligibility
ELDERS Procedures concerning Closures and Denials
Harmony Procedures for Approval of Services
Key Differences between Personal Care and ADvantage Waivers.
Examples of standardized wording that is sent to Social Services Specialists and Supervisor when the medical decision has been made on an application in ELDERS.
The following are key policy points concerning the Treatment of annuities purchased on or after February 8, 2006. 317:35-5-41.8(c) The purchase of an annuity shall be treated as the disposal of an asset for less than fair market value unless the Oklahoma Health Care Authority is named as the remainder beneficiary either: in the first […]
Although each spouse’s income is considered separately when determining financial eligibility for long-term care, there’s no provision in SSP policy to allow the Community Spouse to become eligibile for SSP when the couple’s combined income is over the ABD couple standard. When one or both is approved for ADvantage or other HCBW all income is […]
Updating Authorization to Financial “F” Status If the AFS worker determines the client to be financially eligible, the ADvantage authroization needs to be updated from “A” application to “F” financially eligible. Do not code an authorization with “f” until 100% certain of financial eligibility In IMS, type EKL <space> case number, and press enter. Tab […]