Subject: AFS Values
What is Integrity? Overview
Integrity refers to a consistency in the way a person lives the values, principles and expectations of the organization in relationships with coworkers, customers, partners and stakeholders. Honesty, trust and fairness are central to integrity.
Empathy Overview
Empathy can have a profound effect on the way you build relationships
Additional Training: AFS Values
Training Articles
- Developing Empathy for Building Relationships and Helping Others
- Empathy – Barriers & Solutions: Cultural
- Empathy – Barriers & Solutions: Personal
- Empathy – Barriers & Solutions: Systemic
- Empathy – Barriers & Solutions: Work-Related
- Empathy – Using Stories
- Empathy – An Acquired Skill
- UpdatedEmpathy – Rewarding Empathy
- UpdatedIntegrity – Acronym
- UpdatedIntegrity – Behaviors
- Sympathy-vs-Empathy
- The Four-Part Process of Empathy