Employee Safety: UpdatedSafety – Tobacco-Free Workplace

Per the Governor’s Executive Order 2012-01 issued on February 6, 2012 “the use of any tobacco product is prohibited on any and all properties owned, leased, or contracted for use by the State of Oklahoma, including but not limited to all buildings, land and vehicles owned, leased, or contracted for use by agencies or instrumentalities of the State of Oklahoma.”

The DHS Tobacco Free Policy follows our mission to help Oklahomans “lead safer, healthier, more independent and productive lives.” The use of tobacco products (as well as those products that simulate the act of smoking, dipping or chewing) including, but not limited to cigarettes, pipes, electronic smoking devices and smokeless tobacco is prohibited throughout all OKDHS owned or controlled, indoor and outdoor property areas including OKDHS vehicles. OKDHS employees are also prohibited from using these products in their private vehicles while on state property or, in any location, when providing client services. Tobacco use, including smokeless tobacco, is Oklahoma’s leading preventable cause of death. For employees that smoke, OKDHS recognizes that quitting can be a real challenge. Services available to employees who want to quit include:

  • help accessing free assessments and coaching assistance through the wellness coordinator in each office or from the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) administered by the Human Resources Management (HRM) or
  • contacting the Oklahoma Tobacco Hotline at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669). Services provided include smoking cessation medication and telephone counseling.

Failure to comply with this prohibition is cause for management intervention and may result in corrective or disciplinary action per OKDHS:2-1-7, OKDHS:2-1-12, and state personnel rules.

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