Key Concepts: Reporting a Change

Once a customer has logged into the OK Benefits Portal, they can access the Report a Change page from one of the OK Benefits menus.

OK Benefits Home Page with Report Change choice.

OK Benefits Drop Down Menu with Report a Change choice.

A client can select four different instances in which to report a change:

Change in Contact Information
Allows the customer to self-report address, email, and phone number changes.
Change in Household Expenses
Allows the customer to add, change, or remove any expense for any household members.
Change in Household Income
Allows the customer to update any household income, including adding a new employer.
Change in Household Information
Allows the customer to add, change, or remove information about the members in the household.

Once a customer has completed a change, they will be prompted to upload any verification that may support the change requested.

Once uploaded, AFS workers will be able to locate the Change Request and verification in their AFS Imaging Workflow.

Changes can be reported by customers of all divisions (AFS, Child Support Services, and Child Welfare Services). If the customer has a case in more than one division, the Change Request will be sent to those divisions.

OK Benefits Report a Change Page with Type of Change choices.

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