Key Concepts: My Uploads

The AFS customer will be prompted to upload any supporting verification at the end of the Application and Report A Change processes; but they can also select to upload information at any time.

After a customer has logged into the site, the My Uploads link can be selected from the OK Benefits menu.

OK Benefits Tool Bar Button.

OK Benefits Drop Down Menu with My Upload Choice.

On this page, the customer can view a list of previously uploaded documents, although they will not be able to actually view the document.

OK Benefits List of Verifications.

Customers can begin the uploading process by selecting the “Upload Document Button”; which is located at the end of the list.

Upload Button for New Verification.

The customer will be given a drop down menu with preselected documents, or they can choose “other”. A description box will be available in order for them to enter details for their upload. All acceptable document formats are shown, as well as the size limit and the amount of MB remaining for this upload.

Upload Documentation Page.

All documents submitted will be available to the worker of record through their AFS workflow.

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