Aged, Blind, Disabled (ABD): Dual Entitlement

ITS 317:35-5-42 (12)

When BENDEX is used to verify Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) benefits, drop any cents from the gross benefit amount in BENDEX Field B27 and use only the whole dollar figure. For example, drop $349.50 to $349.00.

There may be a scenario where an individual is dually entitled to receive RSDI benefits under two RSDI claim numbers, the person may receive benefits under one or both claim numbers.

When the person receives a combined benefit. BENDEX displays two records for the person. Each record displays a “D” for dual entitlement in Field C21 and the cross referenced RSDI claim number in BENDEX Field B20.

  • Count the income displayed under the BENDEX record with a current pay (CP) payment status code in Field B20. The person receives the combined RSDI benefit amount under this RSDI claim number.
  • The BENDEX record that displays adjusted for dual entitlement (AD) in payment status code Field B20 means the person does not receive income under that BENDEX record.

The benefit issuance process used by the SSA may cause a $1 or $2 difference in the actual payment made to a person who receives combined benefits.

When the person receives benefits under both RSDI claim numbers, each BENDEX record displays a CP in the payment status code Field B20. The worker adds the whole dollar figures in Field B20 together and drops the cents to arrive at the person’s RSDI benefit. For example, when one record shows $202.51 and the other shows $361.23, the worker adds $202 to $361 to arrive at the person’s countable income of $563.

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