The following BENDEX Income codes provide additional details regarding income.
- B21
- Date Initial Entitlement
- B22
- Current Entitlement Date
- B23
- Entitlement Effective Date
- B24
- Retro Payment Amount
- B25
- Direct Deposit Indicator
- B26 – Payment Cycle Indicator
- Indicates when the benefit check was released
- 3RD = 3rd of the month
- 2WED = 2nd Wednesday
- 3WED = 3rd Wednesday
- 4WED = 4th Wednesday
- Indicates when the benefit check was released
- B27 – Gross OASDI/RSDI/SSA Amount
- The monthly SSA benefit due before collection of SMU premium, overpayment, attorney fees, garnishment or unpaid maritime tax. The amount recorded in this block is the actual amount the beneficiary is eligible to receive. However, SSA always drops the cents. The only time cents are used is in calculating the yearly “COLA” increase. When recording the gross amount, round down to the next whole dollar.
- B28 – Ending Date for Overpayment Deduction
- The month, century, and year the overpayment recovery will cease. Benefits will be resumed at the full rate the following month.
- B29 – Monthly Overpayment Deduction Amount
- Reflects the monthly amount withheld from the benefits to recover an overpayment
- B30 – SSI Overpayment Amount Withheld
- The amount withheld to recover an overpayment of SSI benefits.
- B31 – Garnishment Amount Withheld
- The amount of money withheld from the monthly payment to satisfy a court ordered garnishment.
- B32 – Net Monthly Benefit Amount
- The actual money amount payable after all deductions and dollar rounding.
- B40 – Hi Conts Period
- Earliest continuous date of entitlement to HI (Hospital Insurance = Part A).
- B41 – Hi Premium Amount
- The amount withheld for HI Part A Medicare coverage, when health insurance is premium HI.
- B42 – Part A Premium Payer Code
- S37 = Oklahoma
- B43
- Hi 3rd Party Payer Start Date
- B44
- Hi 3rd Party Payer Stop Date
- B45
- SMI Conts Period
- B46
- SMI Premium Payer
- B47 – Part B Premium Payer Code
- 370 = Oklahoma
- B48
- SMI Third Party Start Date
- B49
- SMI Third Party Stop Date
- B50
- First SMI Start Date
- B51
- First SMI Term Date
- B52
- Second SMI Start Date
- B53
- Second SMI Term Date
- B54
- Third SMI Start Date
- B55
- Third SMI Term Date
- B56
- RR Claim Number
- B57
- RRB Jurisdiction Start
- B57
- RRB Jurisdiction Stop
- B59
- Disability Date of Onset
- B60
- Date of Death
- B61
- Proof of Death
- C01
- Payee Name and Address Line 1
- C02
- Payee Name and Address Line 2
- C03
- Payee Name and Address Line 3
- C04
- Payee Name and Address Line 4
- C05
- Payee Name and Address Line 5
- C06
- Payee Name and Address Line 6
- C07
- Payee Zip Code
- C20
- Dual Entitlement Number
- C21
- Dual/Triple Entitlement Ind
- C22
- Triple Entitlement Number
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