In order to be eligible for TANF a child must reside in the home of a relative and be deprived of parental support.
Policy 340:10-10-01
Single Parent Household Deprivation Factors
- Death
One or both of the child’s parents is deceased. This can be verified by a death certificate, obituary, funeral program, or notice pertaining to the deceased.*Worker should check with Social Security Administration to determine if survivor’s benefits are available. - Absence
The biological or adoptive parent has left the home or has never been in the home. This can be verified by finding out where the absent parent is, talking to knowledgeable persons, or making a home visit. Attempt should be made to contact the absent parent. Form 08AD008E (ADM-95) Non-Custodial Parent Letter can be mailed if absent parent cannot be reached by phone.Case notes should document that the absent parent does not have daily contact with the child, provide regular support and maintenance, provide physical care, or guidance. If all of these are not met, deprivation does exist.
Two Parent Deprivation Factors
- Incapacity
At least one natural or adoptive parent is physically or mentally incapacitated. Determination of disability by Social Security Administration establishes incapacity. If there is no SSA determination, and the parent(s) condition is expected to last at least 30 days incapacity can be established by the OHCA Level of Care Evaluation Unit (LOCEU). Request current medical documentation from the applicant regarding the incapacity. Send all appropriate documentation along with Medical Social Summary (ABCDM-80-D) to LOCEU. LOCEU’s incapacity decision will show up in IMS on the MDL screen. Work Requirement: Only the spouse who is not incapacitated will be required to participate in TANF activities, unless verified as needed in the home full time to care for the incapacitated parent.
Policy 340:10-10-2 - Unemployed Parent
The principal wage earner (PWE) of the household is unemployed or underemployed. To determine which parent is the principal wage earner complete Form 08TA002E (FSS-UP-1), Worksheet to Determine Principal Wage Earner. The worker will need gross income for each parent for the past 24 months. After the PWE is determined, worker needs to establish that the PWE has been unemployed for 30 days or is underemployed, available to work and has a work history. Use Form 08TA003E (FSS-UP-2), Worksheet for Determining Work History to determine if the PWE has worked 6 or more quarters in the last 13 consecutive quarters. Work Requirement: One parent will be required to participate in TANF activities 35 hours per week and the spouse will be required to participate 30 hours per week. If a parent becomes incapacitated after certification a decision from LOCEU will be required.
Policy 340:10-10-3
Additional information can be found on the TANF Info-net page under Tips, Deprivation, TANF Two Parent Households.
Any questions or concerns regarding two-parent TANF households can be directed to the TANF unit mailbox-
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