5 Types of TANF Program Violations
Policy 340:10-3-57(g) Special Considerations
There are 5 types of TANF program violations that can each result in a 25% reduction of benefits. When compliance is documented or the penalty time period ends, the penalty is removed for the next effective date. 340:10-3-57(g)
- When the reason for deprivation is absence, the TANF parent must cooperate with DHS in obtaining support for each child of the individual and assign child support to the state, unless good cause is established. Failure of a parent to cooperate as determined by the Oklahoma Child Support Services office will result in a 25% penalty. 340:10-10-5.
- A SSN or application for SSN must be provided for each individual determined eligible for TANF. Failure to provide this information for any TANF household member, except for newborn children deemed eligible, will result in a 25% penalty 340:10-12-1.
- All children in the TANF household from kindergarten to age 18 are required to attend school, unless the child is home schooled according to state guidelines. GED classes, alternative high schools, or virtual schools meet this requirement. At application and each review, school attendance must be verified. If it is determined that a child is not attending school a 25% penalty will apply 340:10-13-1(a).
- Proof of immunization records must be provided for all children in the TANF household, unless good cause is established. If a child is attending a licensed day care or going to school, proof of immunization is already established. Failure to meet the immunization requirement within 90 days of certification, or when additional immunizations, are due will result in a 25% penalty 340:10-14-1(a)(2).
- Intentional program violations determined as fraud by court action or an administrative disqualification hearing or administrative hearing waiver per OAC 340:65-9-2(d) and OAC 340:65-9-4 will result in a 25% penalty.
If there are multiple violations on one case that exceed the amount of the TANF grant, the case is closed on 14A (Penalty and Other Income). To apply a penalty for a program violation, check the appropriate box at the bottom of the FACS Household Tab (on the appropriate HH members). To remove a penalty for a program violation, remove check mark by clicking in the box.
Make a change for next effective date on all open sections when applying or removing program violation.
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