Topic: Deprivation
Eligibility Factors and Acceptable Verification
This is a list with descriptions of the non-PS2 fields in the FACS Deprivation Tab.
A child support referral is completed on all TANF applications when deprivation is based on the absence of one or both parents. Child only cases with an ineligible parent as payee require that child support forms be completed. Examples are alien, fleeing felon, tested positive for substance abuse or receives SSI.
Policy Links Regarding Principal Wage Earned (PWE)
Paternity affidavit – is a document that provides parents with a way of formally acknowledging paternity of a child. If parents are married at the time of a child’s birth, the husband is generally legally recognized as the father of the child. However, if the parents are not married paternity needs to be formally recognized […]
Deprivation – is a factor of eligibility in the TANF Program.
Absent parent – is the parent who is not living with his or her child. Another term used is a non-custodial parent. Policy regarding an absent parent is located at: SoonerCare (Medicaid)[OE]: 317:35-5-7. Determining categorical relationship to the children and parent and caretaker relative groups 317:35-5-43. Third party resources; insurance, workers’ compensation and Medicare; 317:35-5-44. […]
In FACS on the TANF Work tab: Payee/Spouse Grant Indicator (F12) block for Primary Wage Earner (PWE): “UNEMPLOYED PARENT IN TWO PARENT HOUSEHOLD DETERMINED TO BE PRIMARY WAGE EARNER” Payee/Spouse Grant Indicator (F12) block for Spouse: “PARENT OR CARETAKER RELATIVE INCLUDED IN GRANT/REQUIRED WORK REGISTRANT” TANF Work Status (F154) block for both parents must be […]
TANF Applications.
What forms are required for a TANF certification with parent included in benefit? Note: Drug Screen Requirement Acknowledgment Form must be signed by the client and uploaded to Onbase Request for Benefits, 08MP001E (PS-1), Paper applicants only. Responsibility and Signature for Benefits, 08MP003E (FSS-1-B), Paper applicants only. Note: With two-parent households each parent must sign […]