If the TANF case is open, then TANF always takes the lead of the other programs. Synchronizing your review dates will assist you in ensuring all reviews are completed timely and help with time management.
When certifying all programs at the same time TANF, SSNAP, (SAP or PA), Child Care, and Medical. B2=C2=D2=E2 and B7=C2=D10=E7 (these will all be the same dates.
- B2 and B7
- C2
- D2 and D10
- E2 and E7
With reviews of all programs B7=C2=D10=E7 (which will be the next effective date). On all TANF reviews a new application is needed. The new application date will be entered for SNAP benefits in C1 but not for any of the other programs. In the other programs the review date will be used B7, D10, and E7. So in SNAP you will have C1 as the application date and C2 as the cert date (usually the next effective date) with a change in C3.
- With SNAP (NAP or Non PA if there is a household member who is a part of the SNAP benefits but not part of the TANF benefits there will be a 12 month cert on the SNAP. This is the only time MCR ( Mid Cert Review) is associated with a TANF case. On 12 month SNAP certs B2=C2. On the Review B7=C2 with a new application date in C1. In the 5th month the client will receive a notice for the MCR to be returned. In the 11th month the client will receive a notice to reapply for SNAP (NAP or Non PA) benefits.
- Child Care
- For certifications B2=B7=E2=E7. These will all be the same date.
For reviews B7=E7
On the Child Care Authorization the K62 date is the date you want to look at this case again (future date) and review the child care needs. It can be no longer than E7 + 11 months. This date will show on your CWA when a review is due. When TANF is open there is no MCR for child care.
- Medical
- For certifications B2=D2 and B7=D10. These will all be the same date.
For reviews B7=D10 (current date) with new application for TANF review but no new application date entered.
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