Topic: TANF
Here is a list of the County Codes to use for cases in Current™ for TANF, LTC, and Refugee Assistance. TANF Pending/Approved/Ongoing Child Only 085W 0499 Pending/Approved RR 085C 0399 Pending/Approved Diversion 85D 0299 Pending/Approved Supported Permanency 85H 0199 Pending Refugee 85H 0199 Approved Refugee 85W 0499 *child only Denied TANF Comp County Code 02C 0299 […]
Information regarding BBCE and Procedures associated with it.
Policy changes outlined concerning Substance Misuse
Policy changes concerning Expectant Parents and TANF Household Composition
Processing Diversion Denials
Instructions regarding Companion Coding
Instructions for Direct Payments to Clients
Special COVID-19 Procedures Related to TANF
Procedure for Hardship Extensions