Reports: ALLDATA – Overview

ALLDATA is a Microsoft Access Database that contains basic case information about open/active cases. All Data tables are created / updated every Friday night. ALLDATA is a “snapshot” of cases that were open or active at the time the tables were updated. Case changes made during the week are not reflected in ALLDATA. The case changes won’t show until the next snapshot is taken.

ALLDATA is found in each county office’s public drive, in a folder called “Statistics.” Within your own county, the folder shortcut would look something like this: “P:\STATISTICS.” Once in that folder, there may be quite a number of files, but “ALLDATA.mdb” is the database referenced here, and is the file you will use.

The “ALLDATA.mdb” database depends on and is linked to specific database file(s) for your specific county or office. Data Services Division (DSD) sends a weekly updated copy of your county’s data tables to this folder that your ALLDATA.MDB depends on to function.

Please do not change, delete, move, or alter the name of your county’s ALLDATA folder or the key files (such as your county’s data file) within that folder unless there is a good reason! This process absolutely depends on each county’s ALLDATA files being where they are in its specific location and file/folder name(s) for regular updates to occur.

You may notice some database objects in your ALLDATA that have “SO” attached to them. These are queries State Office has built and distributed to one or more offices for use by staff in those offices.

ALLDATA Objects:

These are four common types of objects in Microsoft Access: Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports.

Table – ALLDATA tables include information on any case that has an open section:

  • AUTHDATA – list of all open authorization in open status (Child Care, ET&E, Long Term Care, Waivered Services)
  • BCDEDATA – selected information from Sections A, B, C, D and E of PS2. Not all data from those selections is included in this table
  • FDATA – selected information from the person information (Section F) of active household members. A person must be “added to benefits” for at least one benefit type (other than “MH”) to be included.


  • Select – view information in the tables
  • Make table – create a new table using selected information from the tables
  • Append – add selected data to a table
  • Update – update specific fields in a table

Forms – used to input data in to tables. (We don’t use this in ALLDATA because the information we need is already in the tables).
Reports – format / display selected information.

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