Topic: Forms
Link to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training Referral
Forms – Searching Tips
Media Relations Overview
To understand how ALLDATA works and the basics of building items in ALLDATA.
When an employee experiences a workplace injury or illness, workers’ compensation insurance covers related medical care, part of lost wages and permanent disability. Employees should report all work-related injuries to their supervisors immediately no matter the severity. Human Resource Management’s Risk and Safety Management The employee’s supervisor completes a thorough investigation of the incident using […]
All sections must be filled out before sending to LOCEU (Level of Care Evaluation Unit). It is very important that no section be skipped. Workers should get with clients to get the answers for all the blocks. Case Information Case name: Payee’s name Case Number County Name and Number Mailing Address Case Status Information What […]
The following forms are related to the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA): 08HI001E (HIPAA-1) Privacy Notice 08HI001S (HIPAA-1-SV) Privacy Notice (Spanish) 08HI001I (HIPAA-1) Privacy Notice Instructions 13H1002E (HIPAA-2) Privacy Notice Acknowledgment 08HI002S (HIPAA-2-SV) Privacy Notice Acknowledgment (Spanish) 08HI003E (HIPAA-3) Authorization to Disclose Medical Records 08HI003E (HIPAA-3) Authorization to Disclose Medical Records Instructions 08HI003S […]
A child support referral is completed on all TANF applications when deprivation is based on the absence of one or both parents. Child only cases with an ineligible parent as payee require that child support forms be completed. Examples are alien, fleeing felon, tested positive for substance abuse or receives SSI.
FACS (Family Assistance and Client Services) is the software used by staff to update Adult and Family Services case information.
What forms are required to complete a TANF Review (child only)? All forms must be completed and imaged into Onbase If using paper application forms: Completed Request for Benefits (PS-1) Completed Eligibility Information for Benefits (FSS-1) from FACS Signed Responsibilities and Signature for Benefits (FSS-1B) Lump Sum Payments (FSS-C-4) Absent Parent Information Sheets (FSS-AP-1-A) if […]