Leadership: Field Manager Process – Employee Threat to Others

An employee, who inflicts physical or emotional harm, threatens to harm, or intentionally damages the property of other employees, volunteers, clients, or vendors, is disciplined per DHS regulations and may be referred for criminal prosecution.

The Field Manager promptly investigates and reports all incidents using Forms 23RS008E and 11RS011E. Email the completed forms to *OKDHS.IncidentReport, STO.HRMD.RISKMGMT, your Regional Deputy Director and the AFS Deputy Director of Operations.

In response to the alleged workplace violence event, direct your attention to Workplace violence Policy: OKDHS: 2-15-52.

This section outlines the agency’s policy on incidents alleging workplace violence. Please note the following steps:

  1. Please note the supervisor of the employee along with the employee thoroughly and immediately investigates the incident using the Workplace Violence Incident Report 11RS011E making sure to address concerns and actions initiated to address the incident in question.
  2. The supervisor of the employee forwards the completed Workplace Violence Incident Report along with any additional information (i.e. police report, pictures or witness statements) to Field Manager for review.
  3. Once the Workplace Violence Incident Report with any additional information (i.e. policy report, pictures, or witness statements) is received; you are to review and address additional concerns or OFFICE protocols using the Work Incident Checklist 23RS008E . Please keep in mind you are free to consult additional resources as needed; and keep in mind these incidents regardless of threat severity are treated in a confidential manner.

Field Manager  shall submit an email regarding nature, threat severity and precautions implemented by THE OFFICE along with the completed Workplace Violence Incident Report, Workplace Violence Checklist, any additional pertinent documents, and the email notification (which can be modified to the situation…refer to SAMPLE EMAIL) that was sent to the target of the threat (the employee reporting to *OKDHS.IncidentReport and STO.HRMD.RISKMGMT within five business days after the issue is addressed. Originals are kept in a separate administrative file at the worksite.

Sample Email

Dear Employee,

Thank-you for alerting us to the situation you encountered. I am sorry you have been subjected to such a frustrating event. Should you require access to the Employee Assistance Program, do not hesitate to contact your supervisor or myself.

In addition to the actions outlined by your supervisor and making an Information Referral to the local Police Department. I am forwarding this information to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services Incident Reporting Team further recommendations.


Field Manager

Should you have any additional questions regarding the policy please feel free to contact Risk Management at 405-886-0813 or 405-540-0499

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