Support Services: AFS Administrative Oversight FAQs

The following are FAQs are in regards to AFS Administrative Oversight:

If AFS is responsible for reception duties how are we handling those offices in which there is only CWS staff?
CWS will be responsible for reception duties in those offices with no AFS staff and for backup reception duties as required in those that have AFS support staff.
If AFS is responsible for receptionist duties, who is the receptionist for a situation where on one floor of the building is CWS and Child Care Licensing staff?
CWS would be responsible for reception when there are no AFS staff located on that floor.
There are some state cars that belonged to CFSD and Adoption. Who is responsible for these cars?
All state cars will be managed by Support Service Specialists. It is  the responsibility of those who drive the vehicles to make sure they fuel the vehicle up using the Commdata cards and that they pick up any trash or belongings when finished with usage.
Should office hours have to be followed by non-AFS tenant staff?
The hours of operation are set by Support Service Coordinators (SSC).
Should non-AFS tenant staff have to attend full staff meetings for yearly mandated training?
If so, what can be done if they fail to attend?
It will be the responsibility of the non-AFS staffs’ management to ensure their employees attend and/or complete all mandated training. Non-AFS management is responsible for appropriate action when their staff is out of compliance with training requirements.
Should non-AFS tenant staff have to complete day sheets so the field manager knows the whereabouts of all staff housed in their county office?
This will not be required for administrative oversight by AFS field managers, but may be practice mandated by their non-AFS management.
Should non-AFS staff have to adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures of the county office or HSC?
All OKDHS employees assigned to that county office or HSC must comply with all Standard Operating Procedures for that facility.
It is current protocol, for example, to contact the child support office when the building is closed because of bad weather. Will the AFS county director continue to have the responsibility for notifying Non-AFS staff housed outside the facility when the facility is closed for inclement weather?
The SSC staff notify the leadership in case of inclement weather. They will send emails to the county offices that are affected alerting all staff of the change.
Can non-AFS employees still participate in employee recognition activities in the county office?
Participation in employee recognition (ERC) activities is encouraged for all OKDHS staff assigned to the county office or HSC.
Who will have responsibility for filing worker’s comp claims and maintenance of accident reports?
AFS field managers work closely with SSC staff to keep in compliance with necessary forms in case of a work related injury/ illness, worker’s comp claim or accident.
When should issues be elevated beyond the AFS field manager level?
Issues should always be resolved at the county office or HSC level if at all possible. If the AFS field manager is unable to resolve the matter, they should contact their AFS regional deputy director.
What do I do if there is a problem with a county tenant who doesn’t work for AFS?
Issues with tenants of the county office should be addressed with the management of that tenant.
Will Child Welfare Services (CWS) staff continue to have after-hours access to buildings where they are stationed?
There will be no change in current protocol for CWS employees who require access to county offices at night or on weekends.
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