BIL: Buy-In History Inquiry

How to read the BIL screen to know what is happening with a buy-in benefit.

Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries Plus (QMBP)

Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries Plus (QMBP) – means certain aged, blind or disabled individuals who may or may not be enrolled in Medicare Part A, meet the Medicaid QMBP income and resource standards and meet all other Medicaid eligibility requirements.  When approved for QMBP, Medicaid pays for Medicare premiums, deductibles, and co-insurance.  Policy regarding this term […]

Qualified Individuals – (QI-1)

Definition of QI-1

Specified Low Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB)

Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) 317:35-7-43 Program to pay Medicare Part B premiums for those whose income is above the QMBP standard. Person must be enrolled in Part A Medicare and paying any associated fees if they have them Persons on one of the LTC medical programs (ADvantage, Nursing Home, DDS) can also be eligible […]