The following are instructions on how to create a Child Care case using the PS1B transaction in IMS.
- In IMS, type ps1b
- Press Enter
- Tab to Case Number field and enter J
- Tab to Section Field and enter E
- Enter App Date in MM/DD/YY format
- Enter Supervisor Number
- Enter Worker Number
- Enter County Number
- Enter Office Code
- UE PT: Leave Blank
- RN CD: Leave Blank
- Tab to the Street field and enter all address information. Do not include any special characters such as an asterisks or pound sign when entering information. Enter any apartment number or additional information in the extra address field.
- Enter each person in the household. Use information listed below to code the following sections.
Member Status Codes
- P = payee
- S = spouse
- X = for additional household members
Member Benefits
For Child Care benefits, all household members included in Child Care household should be coded with K.
Enter a Y for all that apply. You must choose one or more races to accompany Hispanic Ethnicity.
Birth Date
Enter the birth date in MM/DD/YYYY format
- Press Enter*. If no previous case list appears, enter X in the indicator field and press enter again to create case number.
- If a list of other cases associated with the applicant appears, determine if one can be used for the Child Care benefit. If one cannot be found, press the page up key until you return to the ps1b screen. Enter X in the indicator field and press enter again to create case number.
Please Note: If information is entered incorrectly, question marks will appear on the ps1b screen to indicate an error entry has occurred. Make the necessary correction(s) and then press enter.
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