The FSCALC transaction in IMS

This transaction allows for the computation of SNAP benefits or over-issuance by completing the required data elements. This transaction will NOT issue a benefit.

The FSCALC transaction in IMS

Follow these steps for the FSCALC transaction:

    1. In IMS, type FSCALC and press enter
    2. CASE #: Enter the Case Number
    3. Tab to WORKER field: Enter the worker’s User ID
    4. Tab to SUPERVISOR field: Enter the worker’s User ID
    5. Tab to TYPE ISSUE field:
      • B = Benefit
      • O = Amount Difference (Use only for Overpayments)
    6. FOR DATE:
      • Enter For Date in MMDDYY format

      If the “for date” is the 31st day of the month, you must change it to the 30th for the FSCALC to work correctly. EX: 013125 would be changed to 013025.

    7. DATE DISCOVERED: (Use only for Overpayments).
    8. EARNED INCOME TIMELY REPORTED (Use only for Overpayments).
      • “NAP” = Non-Assistance Payments Households.
      • “SAP” = Simplified SNAP Eligible Households

      NAP households are all other households that do not fall under the SAP household definition.

      SAP households: all members receive a DHS Money Payment (TANF or SSP) & at least one member receives a TANF payment.

    10. Number of Household Members
      • NO. CHILD: Enter number of children in household as a 2 digit number. For example, if there are three children in the household, 03 is entered.
      • NO. Adults: Enter the number of adults in the household as a 2 digit number.
    11. Income:
      • SELF-EMP. INCOME: Enter the monthly amount of self-employment income as a 4 digit number. For example, if there is $546 of self-employment income, enter 0546.
      • BUS EXPENSE: Enter the amount of business expenses as a 4 digit number.
      • EARNED INCOME: Enter the monthly amount of earned income as a 4 digit number.
      • UNEARNED INCOME: Enter the monthly amount of unearned income as a 4 digit number.
      • A = All members are aged or disabled
      • S = Some members are aged or disabled
      • E = All Adult members are aged or disabled, and there is one or more minor(s) who is not disabled.
      • N = No members are aged or disabled
    13. MED EXP: Enter monthly amount of medical expenses of all household members that are determined disabled or are 60 years of age or older. 4 digit field
    14. DEPENDT CARE: Enter monthly amount of dependent care deduction for household. 4 digit field
    15. CHILD SUP DED: Enter month amount of child support deduction for household. 4 digit field
      • N = No Utility Expense
      • T = Telephone Standard (TUA)
      • B=Basic Utility Allowance
      • S = Standard Utility Allowance (SUA)
    17. UTILITY COST (C60):
      Utility Cost will automatically calculate based on Utility Indicator entered.
      Enter homeless shelter cost if declared by client. 4 digit field
    19. SHELTER COST (C54):
      Enter monthly shelter cost for household. 4 digit field
    20. CATELIG: This is to indicate whether the household is categorically eligible for SNAP.
      Categorical Elig can only be BBCE (B), No (N), or Traditional (T)
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