TANF: WORK – EU Exemptions

What is the purpose of the EU exemption?

The EU exemption exempts the parent from all TANF Work activities to allow for parental bonding and medical recovery for the birth mother.

Please Note: The EU exemption has a lifetime limit that cannot exceed 12 months!

Who is eligible for the EU exemption?

  • A single custodial parent has a child under the age of (4) four months.
  • A 2 parent incapacity household with a child under the age of (4) months.

Who is NOT eligible for the EU exemption?

  • Unemployed Parent (UP) 2 parent household:   in lieu of EU, a good cause line should be opened for the mother until released from her doctor at or around 6 weeks.

What if the parent applies for TANF and they have a child under the age of four months?

The TANF application will be treated as any other TANF application including the substance abuse screening process. The CASC assessments will be waived until the child reaches four months of age.

How do I code the EU Exemption?

In FACS, go to the TANF Work tab in the Interview Notebook:


MONTHS. (FACS is in the process of being corrected to reflect the four months rather than three months)

  • Enter the newborn’s date of birth in the Assessment block.

What if the EU eligible TANF recipient WANTS to participate in a TANF Work component before the EU Exemption ends?

The EU eligible parent may voluntarily participate during the exempted time frame. HOWEVER, the voluntary participant cannot be sanctioned if they do not fully participate in their component during this time frame – even if they have signed a TW-2 agreeing to the component and its work hours.

  • Before allowing an EU participant to voluntarily participate, it is always good practice to have a physician’s statement releasing them to participate in the TANF Work component during the EU exemption time frame.

When should I meet with my EU exempted parent to plan for reentry into TANF Work?

  • If all assessments have been completed prior to the EU exemption, then an appointment/staffing should be scheduled at least one week prior to resuming TANF Work component to allow time to determine proper TANF Work component as well as child care and transportation needs.
  • If CASC assessments have not been completed prior to the EU exemption, the assessments should be scheduled at the next available assessment date after the newborn turns 4 months of age.

Policy 340:10-2-1(4)(B)

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