How to Develop Community Partnerships

Information regarding the formation of community partnerships.

WORK – Exemptions from TANF Work

Exemptions from TANF Work

Household Composition

QUIZ – Household Composition

WORK – WEP Placement Forms

Instructions regarding WEP Placement Forms and Links to Forms.

UpdatedVouchers / Flex Funds & Supportive Service Funds

Explain the two types of vouchers, differences etc. Flex Funds & Supportive Service Funds

ELIGIBILITY – Child Only TANF with Bio/Adopted Parent(s) NOT in the Home

What does a child only case look like when a Bio/Adopted parent is not in the home? Caretaker Relative must be with the 5th degree of relationship. (Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, older siblings etc.) Caretaker Relative would not be included in the benefits for a child only case. Is the Caretaker Relative’s income included on the […]

UpdatedELIGIBILITY – Child Only TANF with Bio/Adopted Parent(s) in the Home

Child Only TANF with Biological/Adopted – Parent(s) in the Home What does a child only case look like when a biological / adopted parent is in the home? No adult is included in the benefits. One of both parents can be: On SSI An ineligible Alien A Fleeing Felon Is the Biological/Adoptive parent’s income included […]

UpdatedEarned Income Disregard (EID) Eligibility

Eligibility and how to handle it

WORK – Transportation

TANF Transportation Due to the current status of the budget situation, we are looking at avenues to help in reducing excessive spending. This gives us the perfect opportunity to take a look at our TANF transportation costs and review best practices on how to utilize transportation most effectively and cost efficiently. The following discussion will […]

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a time limited,  cash assistance program designed to assist families with minor children meet basic living expenses while providing a variety of educational and employment training opportunities. These opportunities build and enhance employability skills with the goal of successfully moving the family into long term employment and self-sufficiency. […]