ACES: AXL Report

The AXL Report is an alphabetical listing of cases from a specified caseload. You can request a caseload list for a supervisory group or for up to eight specified social services specialists. The list is in alphabetical order by the payee’s last name. There are three sections:

  • Comprehensive List
  • Child Care Cases
    • Report lists as Day Care Cases
  • Statistical Data, e.g., total number of cases, total dollar amount of benefits issued, etc.

First select AXL report from the ACES screen.

AXL Report Highlighted
Once you enter the caseload parameters, select the “AXL Report” button at the bottom of the screen to generate the report.

  • List all three together by worker.
  • Case hyperlink – pulls up a computer case scan for that specific case.

Arrow pointing at AXL report button.

Use browser button or hyperlink on the page to return to the AXL/GIDX/G1 entry screen.

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