Income Determination for Child Only TANF
- State Supplemental Income – SSI Parent most likely would be eligible for an ABD case. Income is not considered for TANF case.
- Parent with Retirement, Survivor, Disability Income – RSDI (SSA). If the parent receives RSDI (SSA) but does not have an ABD case and does not receive any SSI then the adult added to the TANF case along with income. This would no longer be a child only TANF case.If one parent is disabled and the other parent is not disabled this would be a regular TANF case not a child only case. The non-disabled patent is included on the extra case with the child or children.
- If the disabled parent receives SSI & RSDI (SSA) income and meets eligibility requirements for an ABD case, the RSDI (SSA) income is exempt.
- If the child receives SSI, the child and all income is included in the ABD case.
- If the child receives SSA or survival benefits, the child and all income is included on the TANF case.
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