NewHow to Certify SSP

The following are instructions are a basic example of a State Supplemental Payment (SSP) certification. Kenny Parton applied for disability benefits. He is getting $943 in SSI. He is single and shares a house with his brother. He declares $500 in a bank account as his only resource. Kenny Parton does not have Medicare. Use […]

Income – Garnishment, Overpayment, or Deferments

For ABD benefits, always count the gross.

Railroad Retirement Claim Numbers

Information regarding Claim Numbers connected with Railroad Retirement

Hardship Extension Procedures

Procedure for Hardship Extensions

OHCA Medicaid Programs

Link to Oklahoma Health Care Authority Medicaid Programs Page

Tuberculosis (TB) Cases

317:35-5-4.(4) 317:35-5-47 317:35-7-60(a)(5) 317:35-7-44   The TB program is intended to cover treatment for the condition. It does not provide full SoonerCare coverage. If applicant wants full SoonerCare but is not age 65 or older, s/he will need to apply with Social Security to get a disability decision. What is needed to determine eligibility Verification […]

Disability Due to Death

Determining Category Relationship due to Death and FACS Coding

Pregnancy and Disability-Related Medical

Process regarding Disability-Related Medical and Pregnancy

Social Security Early Retirement and Categorical Relationship

Impact of Early Retirement on Eligibility

How to Code Child Support 1/3 Deduction for Child with Disability

317:35-5-42(b)(5) If child support is received for a minor child with a disability, 1/3 is deducted from the eligible child’s share of the child support; the remainder is counted towards eligibility. CMS has said that the deduction is still given if an adult receives support that should have been received while s/he was still a […]