A child receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is predetermined eligible with a $0 family share copayment for subsidized child care benefits. As the SSI income must be counted for subsidized child care for any other children in the household, and the copay is based only on household size; the child that receives SSI can be included on the case with other non-disabled children.
NOTE: An SSI child must have their own case for child care when the SSI child is the only child receiving child care.
- Example 1:
- Mr. and Mrs. Drummond have three pre-school age children, Willis, Kimberly and Arnold. The whole family receives SNAP on a J case and Arnold has an open D case. The Drummonds apply for child care as their work and school schedules conflict with each other.
The Drummonds decide to put all child care benefits on the J case for all children in the household. Although Arnold has an open D case and is pre-determined eligible to have $0 copay child care; it does not make a difference on the amount of co-pay for the household.
- Example 2:
- Mr. and Mrs. Fields have three children. Ricky, age 3, has an open D case. His two older twin sisters Emily and Jessica are 16 years of age. Mr. The fields apply for child care for Ricky. The family receives SNAP on a J case.
The child care benefits will be placed on the D case, as Ricky is the only child in the household that child care is being requested for.
- When a parent is disabled, his or her children may NOT receive child care on the disabled parent’s D case. The children must receive child care on a C or H case.
- If there are multiple children in the home, the benefits for childcare can not be placed on the disabled child’s D case, they must be placed on a C, H or J case.
- When there is more than 1 child in the household receiving SSI, all disabled children must receive child care on their own individual D cases.
- Child support received for a child with SSI (predetermined eligible) is only counted for any other child not receiving SSI.
- When an adult is receiving SSI, his/her SSI is countable income for the child care benefit for all children who are not predetermined eligible. See OAC 340:40-7-1(1).
- Code the parent K/N on a child’s D case, when the child is an SSI recipient.
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