Child Care Subsidy: UpdatedChanging Unit Types & Increasing Number of Units

For child care cases, there may be times in which the unit types / number of units may need to be changed (INCREASED). For example, Carrie Shelton’s need factor for child care at the time of certification was part time 5 days a week. After working for a couple of weeks, her employer increased her work schedule to full-time Mon-Fri with schedule verified.

NOTE: According to policy, the number of units should not be decreased during the eligibility period unless it was determined the case was approved in error. If this is the case, staff the case with the Child Care Unit. It is also important to remember that changing the unit type from Weekly 5 to Blended is not a negative change.

A change can be made to the unit types within the current month by the following steps:

  • On the Child Care Tab, Eligibility Notebook, make a change for the next effective month.
    Screenshot of Child Care Tab with Action Taken and Effective Date boxes highlighted

On the Auth Daycare Tab for the child for whom the increase in units is occurring; make a change with the Begin/Change Date coded with the date of change. If the change is for a past date or correction to what the unit type or number of units should have been; submit a Remedy Ticket.

Screenshot of the Auth Daycare Tab with the Action Taken and Primary Unit Type boxes highlighted


We only complete this request if we have verified that the need factor of the caretaker requires an increase. If we can not verify the need factor, we are unable to make any changes to their case.

There may be a need to send an EBT-4; that is when incorrect case information is transmitted to EPPIC and the provider is paid incorrectly.

Refer to articles Child Care Subsidy: How to Submit an EBT-4 and Child Care Subsidy: When to Submit an EBT-4 for additional information.

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