Child Care Subsidy: UpdatedUnit Types

Workers need to determine the unit type for households approved for child care. Unit type refers to the amount of child care that a household is eligible for. The worker determines the unit type based on when the child needs care and the parent’s or caretaker’s schedule. When determining the unit type for the child it is important to keep in mind the following:

  • Travel time varies depending on what is reasonable for the client. Travel time is the time it takes for a client to travel to and from the child care to his or her place of employment or school.
  • For two parent or two caretaker households, the time approved for child care is only during the times that they are both involved in an approved activity, where their schedules overlap.
  • Child care should never be approved during times the child attends Head Start, Pre-K, or school.

The Unit Types are:

  1. Part-time daily – when the need for child care plus travel time is 4 hours or less per day.
  2. Full-time daily – when the need for child care plus travel time is more than 4 hours per day and is fewer than 15 days per month or more than 23 days per month. Full time care covers 4 hours and 1 minute up to 24 hours.
  3. Full-time and Part-time daily – when the need for child care is less than 4 hours per day on some days and more than 4 hours per day on other days. Always check to see if school age children are eligible for the blended unit type.
  4. Weekly – when the need is for child care is full time (more than 4 hours per day) and at least 15 days per month and no more than 23 days per month. However, you should not use the Weekly unit type when the child:
    • uses two providers;
    • requires any part-time care;
    • uses an in-home provider (provider comes to child’s home); or
    • receives subsidy on two separate cases due to a joint custody arrangement.
  5. Blended traditional – when a school aged child age 4 or older needs care Monday through Friday only (no weekend care), part-time on school days, and full–time on school holidays. Blended child care should not be used when:
    • the child care facility is closed on school holidays;
    • the child requires full-time days in addition to school holidays;
    • the child does not need child care on school holidays;
    • the child only needs part time care;
    • the child uses more than one child care provider;
    • the child uses an in-home child care provider; or
    • the child receives subsidy on two separate cases due to a joint custody arrangement
**When a school district only holds classes 4 days per week, the blended unit type can be used as long as the child meet all other requirements of the blended unit type**
  1. Special Needs – this unit type is approved for certain children with disabilities who meet special needs criteria. The special needs unit type is approved by the Child Care Subsidy Unit.

Refer to Child Care Unit Type Flowchart

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