Case Status/Proxy: To adhere to First Contact Resolution, AFS staff can check status and/or proxy the Energy Assistance applications and should do so when the task arises among their day-to-day responsibilities.
- Explain How to Apply: When the client wants to apply, check to see if there is a valid application in OnBase.
If there is no application, explain that the client may apply, by using the OKDHSLive website. Remind the client that approximately page 19 on the application will be a box that asks if they want to apply for heating and cooling assistance, check the box to apply for energy assistance.
- Case Status/Preauthorization: Check and explain the status of an application or a preauthorization. You must review case notes and case records (OnBase, 105cq, 105eq, or 105hq screens, the NL screen, and the NI screen) before instructing the client to call 405-522-5050 and select the Energy Assistance (EA) options.
- Report a Preauthorization Correction: Transfer the client to the energy assistance queue or let them know to call 405-522-5050 and select the Energy Assistance options to request a preauthorization correction. Policy: 340:20-1-14
- Client’s Questions: Answer the client’s questions about general program requirements and the application process.
- Cannot Answer Questions: Transfer clients to the EA phone queue or instruct them to call 405-522-5050 and select the Energy Assistance options, when you cannot answer their questions based on case records.
- RMTS: When serving as a proxy for an energy assistance application, record general case information for a Random Moment Time Study.
When serving as a proxy for energy assistance and another benefit, record the action taken on the other benefit.
- Verification Provided: Upload any application or verification to the case record in OnBase.
- Verification Requested: Explain what verification the EA staff is requesting from the household. Review the case notes or the imaged Client Contact and Information Request (Form 08AD092E or ADM-92) Policy:340:20-1-13
- Incorrect Account Number: Explain the household may provide the correct account information by calling 405-522-5050 and select the Energy Assistance options. Policy:340:20-1-14(2)
- Complete a LT referral: Complete a referral if the household meets the Life-Threatening Energy Crisis criteria. Explain to the household the criteria for a life-threatening referral. See Life Threatening Energy Crisis regarding the criteria and link for a referral. Policy:340:20-1-17
- Refund Request: If the wrong utility vendor or account number was paid, transfer the client to the energy assistance queue or let them know to call 405-522-5050, and select the Energy Assistance options to request a refund. Explain to the household that the refund process is a lengthy, time-consuming process and they may need to contact the utility provider to prevent cutoff.
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