Overpayments: How to Complete a FSP-10 Form

The FSP-10 form is used to write an overpayment for the SNAP program. The information you code on the first page of the FSP-10 for a SNAP overpayment will come from 2 sources: lines on the ECHL screen for the pertinent months, and the FSCALCs completed to calculate the overpayment.

Family support services division, benefits integrity and recovery section.

Enter date, case name, and case number along with the County Number and Supervisor/worker number.

On the Report of Food Benefit (FB) Overissuance Table, complete a row for each month of overpayment. This information should be carefully transferred from the appropriate lines on the ECHL screen.

Actual basis of issuance:

The FB net income column can be filled in with the Line C63 (SNAP Net Income) from the FSCALC screens.

The Benefit (allotment column) can be filled in from the ‘AMOUNT RECEIVED’ field transferred from the FSCALC for each month.

Correct basis of issuance:

An FSCALC will be completed for each month of the overpayment using information that represents what should have been the correct basis of issuance. Information that represents what should have been the correct basis of issuance. Information from these screens will be used to complete the correct basis of issuance section of the table.

NOTE: On the FSCALC, be sure to enter ‘O’ for ‘TYPE ISSUE’ and ‘N’ for ‘EARNED INCOME TIMELY REPORTED if applicable.

Complete FB net income column with ‘CALCULATED SNAP NET INCOME’, line, located between C61 and C63 lines, from the FSCALC screens.

Complete the benefit allotment column using the ‘SNAP ENTITLEMENT COMPUTED’ field, located under line C63, on the FSCALCS for each month.

Complete the Over-issued column using the ‘AMOUNT DIFFERENCE’ field on the FSCALCS for each month.

The FSCALC screen shown here displays the numbers that are used for the FSP-10 chart form.

Reflection workspace - SNAP benefits information.

On Page 2 of the form, enter the following information:

  • Date overpayment was discovered
  • Day, month, and year of the FB application,
  • Summary of circumstances that led to overissuance
  • Date case corrected
  • Was error discovered by quality control (QC) defect? Check Yes or No

The document must be dated and signed by worker & supervisor.

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