IMS: Nursing Care Authorization

How to place a Nursing Care Facility Authorization in application status on a currently open case or a new application using IMS:

  1. Check to determine if the Nursing Care Authorization is already in application status. Type “EKL Case Number” in IMS. (For example, EKL H000123) and Press Enter.
  2. If the authorization is not in application status, go to a blank IMS screen. Type AUL (space) Case Number (space) NEW and press Enter.
  3. This will pull up the authorization update screen (AUL). You will use the AUL screen for the Nursing Care Facility authorization.
  4. You must enter the Person Number, Level Care, Begin Date, and Provider Number to place the Nursing Care Facility Authorization in Application status.
    • Person Number – 02, in this example
    • Level of Care – IC [Receives Nursing Facility (NF) Care with Vendor Payment Approved]
    • Begin Date – Enter the application date.
    • Provider – Enter Provider Number
    • All Other Blocks – Leave Blank

  5. Press “Enter” to put the Nursing Care authorization in application status. There is now on authorization and the authorization shows “open”. It will also display the name of the nursing home facility that has the pending (application status) authorization.
  6. Check the “EKL” screen. The authorization is there in application status.
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