Topic: Program Violation
Food Stamp Penalty Income (FSPI) is the TANF and/or SSI payment amount reduction applied as income for SNAP when the TANF or SSI is reduced or closed because of a program violation. The following are FAQS regarding Food Stamp Penalty Income (FSPI) Q1. The TANF benefit has been closed for reason “52A” or “29B.” What […]
Program violation – this occurs when the client does not follow program rules. This may result in a reduction in benefits or an overpayment assessment. Policy regarding this term is located at: Child Care Subsidy: 340:40-7-10. General provisions regarding income. Public Assistance Procedures (TANF and SSP): 340:65-9-1. Scope and applicability; 340:65-9-2. Overpayments by classification; and […]
5 Types of TANF Program Violations Policy 340:10-3-57(g) Special Considerations There are 5 types of TANF program violations that can each result in a 25% reduction of benefits. When compliance is documented or the penalty time period ends, the penalty is removed for the next effective date. 340:10-3-57(g) When the reason for deprivation is absence, the […]