AFS Help Desk (Remedy): How to Search/Add New / & Modify Employee Records in Remedy (AFS HelpDesk)

It is the supervisor’s responsibility to keep Remedy’s employee database current.

Search Employee Records

After logging into Remedy, choose the EMPLOYEES option from the menu.
Employee Record 1
A new window will open in SEARCH MODE. You can search by any field or group of fields, but if you are looking for a particular individual, searching by USER ID is the best way to limit multiple results.
Employee Record 2

Add a New Employee

Search Employee Records to ensure the employee you are working with is not already entered. If the search finds no matching records, then it is safe to add the new employee. You would choose NEW SEARCH and that will open the data entry window.

Although all of fields are not mandatory, the following ones are considered best practice to enter:

  • User ID
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Employee Type
  • Phone
  • Location
  • Division
  • Supervisor (if the division chosen is Family Support Services Division)

Employee Record 3
Click the SAVE button to complete.

Modify an Employee

Search Employee Records to ensure the employee you are working with is not already entered. If there are multiple results, the screen will be split into two parts. The top will show all the records the search returned and the bottom will show the detail of the record you choose from the top part.

At this point you can make any required changes and then click on the SAVE button in the top left of the application.

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