Asset Verification System: Asset Verification System (AVS)

What is AVS?

The Asset Verification System is a web portal built for DHS by Public Consulting Group (PCG), (and funded by Oklahoma Health Care Authority) to facilitate the expedited exchange of financial account information with the local, regional and national financial institution community. Section 1940 of the Social Security Act indicates that all states must implement an electronic Asset Verification System (AVS) to verify financial assets of individuals applying for or receiving Medicaid with a categorical relationship of Aged, Blind, or Disabled.

Who is included?

The Asset Verification System is solely used for ABD related Medicaid program eligibility for SSP, QMBP, SLMB, QI-1, and all long term care programs, including home and community based waivers.

**Does not include clients (adults or children) receiving SSI since resources are already verified by Social Security Administration**

When and how are requests made?

Each night, DHS will send an automated file to AVS containing information for appropriate new ABD related Medicaid applications entered into IMS that day. On the fourteenth day of each month, an automated file will be sent to AVS containing appropriate reviews due for the next month. Staff will also be able to submit a request on a client through the Ad Hoc request section in AVS.

Applications are identified by D section being in application status with an appropriate code in F24. LTC applications with a D section open do not automatically submit.

AVS automatically requests verification of the last 60 months account information.

When to use Ad Hoc:

  • for individuals included in, but not coded on, the case at the time of application
  • for community spouses on LTC cases, as they should not be included in the case
  • for parents of a non-SSI receiving blind or disabled minor child for LTC applications where D section is open and there isn’t 60 months case history to make eligibility determination and
  • To correct submissions showing a case status of ‘error’

How are bank accounts verified?

There are 2286 banks across Oklahoma participating in AVS. When a request is made in AVS, a number of the largest banks in the US are scanned then, based on client address, additional local banks are scanned. AVS attempts to match bank accounts to clients using first the SSN then date of birth then name.

11 national banks – Ally, BBVA Compass, Bank of America, BB&T, Comerica, JPMorgan Chase, SunTrust, TD Bank, Huntington National Bank, Wells Fargo. Scans banks, related brokerage firms, credit unions, savings and loans.

** Not a guarantee that AVS will find all accounts. Local search is complex with over 15 criteria (including population density) that can affect how many miles we search within. Local search for counties bordering another state will search that other state, not just OK banks**

Address used – if a finding address exists, that is sent. If no finding, then we send the mailing address.

AVS is a verification tool and not meant to completely replace a comprehensive interview or verification provided by the client.

AVS only verifies bank information (checking, savings, CD, money market, IRA, and Keogh accounts), so verification still has to be requested for other resources such as property, life insurance policies, burial policies, mineral rights, etc.

Process Changes…

  • Requests are made to AVS automatically for appropriate cases.
  • Staff will need to review type of case at application or review initiation to determine if an Ad Hoc request is needed.
  • Staff will need to let client know that we have an electronic request but they still need to attempt to get verification in case AVS does not return a result.
  • When determining eligibility, staff will need to review and include any AVS verification results.
  • Not necessary to print AVS results but it is required to document findings in case notes.

Still need to utilize ADM-92 and ADM-60 in case AVS does not return the necessary account information or if more detailed account information is needed for clarification.

Access the Asset Verification System.

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