CCPI is an inquiry screen to see custodial person (CP) information. This screen is used to determine CP cooperation status with CSS.
To view this screen:
1. Login to IMS
2. Clear the screen
3. Type CCPI<space>family group number(FGN)<space>CP sequence number and press ‘enter’ OR from the CSML screen, tab to CP you want to view and type CCPI and press ‘enter’.
NOTE: You must use the CP sequence if there is more than one CP showing on the CSML screen as system will default to first CP on case if sequence number is not used.
Field Descriptions
Field | Field Descriptions |
Cooperation | Client Cooperation Code:
Non-Coop date | *NOTE: When OCSS opens a child support case for the first time, the code that is entered in the COOPERATION field comes from the cooperation field entry from the DHS case, cooperation field (PS-2 Block 126), in FACS. There will be no entry in the NON-COOP date field at this time. When CSS makes changes in the COOPERATION field, they must also make an entry in the NON-COOP DATE field: The NON-COOP DATE field is updated when the case changes from non-cooperation status to cooperation status. |
Cooperation | Client Cooperation Code:
Non-cooperation Reason | Non-Cooperation Reason:
Other Non-coop Reason | Manual entry is Reason #10 (other) was chosen |
Non-Coop Date | Date of non-cooperation or date of cooperation when CP in non-cooperation status (MM DD CCYY) NOTE: When CSS makes changes in the COOPERATION field, they must also make an entry in the NON-COOP DATE field. The NON-COOP DATE field is updated when the case changes from non-cooperation status to cooperation status |
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