How to Close a TANF Case on Child / Spousal Support

Closing TANF because of Child / Spousal Support. Continued Medical Instructions.

Child Support – CCPI

CCPI is an inquiry screen to see custodial person (CP) information. This screen is used to determine CP cooperation status with CSS. To view this screen: 1.     Login to IMS 2.     Clear the screen 3.     Type CCPI<space>family group number(FGN)<space>CP sequence number and press ‘enter’ OR from the CSML screen, tab to CP you want to […]

ELIGIBILITY – Child Support Income FAQS

FAQs regarding how child support income is considered for the TANF Program.

ELIGIBILITY – Child Support Expenses FAQS

Is a client given a child support deduction if she/he pays child support to someone outside of the home? Yes, the deduction is given in step-parent income calculation 340:10-3-57(e). If a client is court ordered to pay his/her children’s medical insurance premium in addition to child support, can the monthly insurance premium be considered a […]

Child Support Deduction FAQs

Is a client given a child support deduction if she/he pays child support to someone outside of the home? Yes, the client is given a deduction if paying verified legally-binding child support to or for a non-household member. Policy is at 340:40-7-13(e). If a client is court ordered to pay his/her children’s medical insurance premium […]

Household Composition & Income Consideration

340:40-7-6 Appendix C-4 One of the primary tasks to be completed during the childcare application process is to determine which household members must be included on the case. Three types of possible household members need to be considered. Parents Caretakers Children Parents All natural, adoptive, or step-parents must be included in the household. Parents who […]