Systems Help: NON-PS2 Instructions (Child Care)

The following are descriptions / instructions of the NON-PS2 fields (Child Care)

Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Are you requesting child care services?
Instructions: Check this box to indicate that the client has requested child care services.
If the client has requested child care and this box is not checked none of the child care information will print on the Eligibility Information for Benefits form.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: How much money do you expect to receive this month?
Instructions: By asking this question, you can determine if the income is new, ongoing, or discontinued. You must be able to anticipate with reasonable certainty how much the income will be and when it will be received, or the income cannot be considered.
See SNAP: Anticipating Income 340:50-7-46(b)
For new employment, the co-pay is not started until after the client has already received their first check that is representative of a full pay period.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Are you in danger of losing a job due to lack of child care?
Instructions: Answer this “Yes” or “No” to determine if the client might be eligible for Emergency Child Care.
See Child Care: Presumptive Eligibility 340:40-3-1 (b).
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Are you starting a new job?
Instructions: Choose “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether the client is starting a new job.
This indicates that the client might be eligible for expedited child care services. This affects how the co-pay is computed.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Are you starting a new job?
Instructions: Enter the date the client started or will start their new job.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Have you made arrangements with the child care provider until a decision can be made on your child care application?
Instructions: Mark this box to show the client has a temporary arrangement. This means the client probably does not need expedited child care services.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Does anyone help pay child care costs?
Instructions: Choose “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether anyone helps the applicant pay for child care.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: If yes, who helps pay child care?
Instructions: Enter the name of who is helping with child care costs.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: How much?
Instructions: Enter the dollar amount of money received from a third party to help pay child care.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Is this money given to you or child care provider?
Instructions: Document who money is given to for paying child care costs.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Emergency name
Instructions: Document the name who could pick up the child(ren) from child care in case of an emergency, or provide care when planned care is not available.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Emergency address
Instructions: Document the address of who could pick up the child(ren) from child care in case of an emergency, or provide care when planned care is not available.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Emergency phone
Instructions: Document the phone number of who could pick up the child(ren) from child care in case of an emergency, or provide care when planned care is not available.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Authorized Representative name
Instructions: Document the name of the person the applicant would like to be the child care authorized representative.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Authorized Representative address
Instructions: Document the address of the person the applicant would like to be the child care authorized representative.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Authorized Representative phone
Instructions: Document the phone number of the person the applicant would like to be the child care authorized representative.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Authorized Representative relation
Instructions: Document the relationship of the applicant to the person the applicant would like to be the child care authorized representative.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Name of Provider
Instructions: Document the name(s) of the provider(s) the applicant would like to use for child care.
If a multiple providers will be used, add extra rows for additional providers by using the INSERT key while in this field and use the scroll bar to navigate from one provider to the next.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Provider address
Instructions: Document the address of the provider the applicant would like to use for child care.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Provider for which children
Instructions: Document for which child(ren) this child care provider will be used.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Provider phone
Instructions: Document the phone number of the provider the applicant would like to use for child care.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: Household member
Instructions: This field should list all household members. The member showing indicates that the information to the right of the name is specific to that member.
Enter the information relative to each child.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: DOB
Instructions: This field will display the birthdate from the Household Tab that is associated with the selected household member.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: Alternative care
Instructions: Fill in the name of the person who might be willing to provide free child care and for which days and hours for the selected household member.
See Child Care: Alternative to subsidized child care benefits 340:40-5-1(4)
Help the client develop a back-up plan for days when the client can’t attend the center or to cover if they aren’t eligible for child care.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: Alternative care days
Instructions: Document the days that someone is willing to provide free child care for the selected household member.
Help the client develop a back-up plan for days when the client can’t attend the center or to cover if they aren’t eligible for child care.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: Alternative care hours
Instructions: Document the hours that someone is willing to provide free child care for the selected household member.
Help the client develop a back-up plan for days when the client can’t attend the center or to cover if they aren’t eligible for child care.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: Days and hours childcare is needed
Instructions: Check the appropriate days and enter the specific times to show when child care is needed.
Be sure to enter a case note showing what days the client is in their activity full time and what days are part time.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: Is child in Tribal or OKDHS custody?
Instructions: Indicate if the household member selected is currently in Tribal or OKDHS custody.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: Special needs
Instructions: Indicate if the household member selected has special needs.
See Child Care: Child with disability 340:40-7-3.1
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: Caretaker name
Instructions: Select the caretaker from the drop down box whose need and work schedule are being entered.
To add a second parent or caretaker when two are in the household hit the INSERT key while in this field.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: Child care reason needed
Instructions: Mark the box that shows the reason the client needs child care. If the answer is other, be specific in the free form box.
See Child Care: Defining the need factor for a child care benefit 340:40-7-8.
Need must be established prior to certifying the child care.
Preventive Child Care can only be certified for 30 days without approval from the Child Care Subsidy Unit in the Sequoyah Building.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: Work schedule
Instructions: Check the appropriate days and enter the specific times to show when child care is needed.
Be sure to enter a case note showing what days the client is in their activity full time and what days are part time.
Notebook: INTER
Tab: Child Care
Field: Child Care Service Plan Sub Tab: How long to get to work
Instructions: Enter the amount of time during which the client is traveling to and from the activity during which the child care services are needed.
See Child Care: Plan of service – Plan hours 340:40-5-1(3)
This should be reasonable for the area and distance.
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