ACES: Case Scan Report

The Case Scan Report is an eligibility determination and verification tool. It displays an overview of important case-level information and then information for each person listed on the case. It performs an automated check of the Data Exchange System and various IMS transactions for each individual and shows the results if there is data available. Most commonly, these reports are used for processing applications and completing redeterminations of eligibility. At the end of each report, or group of reports, there is the option to print, upload to imaging, or save the report as a PDF file.

There are three options for generating Case Computer Scan Reports:

  1. Select cases for scanning from your CWA Reports. After generating CWA report, click on the desired case number to obtain a Case Scan report.
    You can access Case Computer Scan Reports from the AXL, G1, and G1DX Reports. Click on the case number link to generate Case Scan report for that case.
  2. From the Case Scan webpage, enter the County Office Code, Supervisor Number, and optional Worker Number. You can select up to six reports by putting a checkmark in the box by each of the desired reports. Click “OK” button to obtain case list(s).
    Case Scan Option 1 screen

    • After selecting case(s) from the case list, click the Case Scan Report button.

    Case Scan Report button highlighted
    NOTE: If the checkboxes do not appear, the following instructions can be used to change your browser settings.

    • Open Internet Explorer
    • On the Tools menu (alt-T) open Compatability View
    • Unselect all checkboxes
    • Remove all websites added to “Websites that have been added to Compatability View” box.
    • Select the close button.
  3. From the Case Scan page, enter up to six case numbers and click “OK” button.
    Case details screen with OK button highlighted
    At the end of each report, or group of reports, there is the option to print, upload to imaging, or save the report as a PDF file.NOTE: You can send a single report or multiple reports to the imaging system to the electronic files of the respective cases. ACES will automatically route the reports to the workers shown in the Section A (General Information) of the case.**As hardcopies of multiple reports can be printed with one command, check when printing double-sided to make sure the Case Scan Report of each case is printed separately**

Child Protective Services Alert

If Child Welfare has placed a Child Protective Services Alert (CPSA) on a client, a message will be posted to the client’s Person Information section of the Case Scan Report. The message instructs the worker to contact Child Welfare. The client should not be informed about the alert.

If the alert appears for a person with an SSN, this message will be displayed: Child Protective Services Alert!!! Contact Child Welfare.

If a person does not have an SSN on file with us, the system that builds the Case Scan Report runs the FIND transaction on name and date of birth. If anyone listed with a similar name or date or birth has a CPSA, the report will say: Possible Child Protective Services Alert – Check FIND! Do not contact Child Welfare at this point. Run the FIND transaction in IMS, find the person on your case, and look for the letters “CPSA” in the last column on the FIND screen. If you do not see an alert, there is no further action to take. If there is an alert, contact Child Welfare.
For additional information refer to article ACES: Protective Services Alert (PSA).

Finance Alert

If a client has been paid a claim by DHS, for example an adoption subsidy payment, the following message will appear: Check Finance Claim History Inquiry for possible income. The link it contains goes to Finance Application Claim History where the client’s SSN can be entered to display any recent payments. Workers are responsible for determining if the payments represent countable income or affect household composition for the programs involved.

If a client has an open contract with DHS as a child care provider, the following message will appear:Client is a contracted provider with DHS. Contract Number(s) 058435. Possible self-employment income. The client will need to verify self-employment income with business records and/or tax returns.

If the client cannot provide verification of the payments they have received for subsidy children, an EBT specialist, or anyone who has access to EPPIC, can obtain the dates and amounts. Some things to know about EPPIC.

  • EPPIC should be the last resort for verification of self-employment income. Tax returns and business records should be used when at all possible.
  • EPPIC only goes back for three months so it would only be useful if the client just recently became a contracted child care provider.
  • It cannot be assumed that the copayments EPPIC shows were actually paid by the parents.
  • It will not show any information for private pay children.
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