From the home page, if you already have an OKDSHLive userid/password, log in. If you do not have an OKDHSLive userid/password, select Create User ID. For DHS staff, please use your DHS email address.
If the Apply for Benefits button is clicked, the client Identification screen will appear. This is where a case is identified in which to put the application on.
Once a case is identified, the application process will begin with entering household information such as address, phone number, and email address.
Then the applicant information is entered into “OKDHSLive”.
The household section is for entering information regarding residents of the household. Military status and Disability information is also entered if applicable.
After the information is entered for the household, a summary page will generate to check the application for accuracy.
The employment page begins the income section of the application.
If the applicant clicks the +ADD button; a screen is generated to enter the income information related to the employment.
OKDHSLive will then prompt the applicant to enter self-employment income and unearned income. A summary page is generated to display all income information entered for the applicant/household.
The expenses page addresses any medical, child care, or child support expenses for the household.
All information entered into the expenses page can be viewed on the summary page.
Household expenses related to rent/mortgage and utility biils are listed on the page.
TPL (Private Insurance) information can be entered on the TPL page.
The next few pages are related to resources where bank account, vehicle, and property information can be entered.
The request for benefits page lists all benefits that are available for the household to apply for. Each program box should be checked for the benefits the household wishes to apply.
Lastly the application is completed by entering information regarding the person completing the application. On the signature page, for all proxy users, please click the “Authorized Representative” box and enter your own information for the authorized representative. You can use your office address to complete the page. Customers will select the applicant name as person completing the application.
For staff also conducting the interview with the proxy, type the word STAR in the FOR INTERNAL USE box.
If the proxy process is being used to address customers in the lobby at the end of the work day, and an interview is not being conducted, DO NOT USE STAR CODE.
Address the Voter Registration question and Rights and Responsibilities with the customer. This means reading and/or summarizing the script in the Case Note Generator or on the online application with them.
Documents to verify items for the interview can be uploaded before submitting the application.
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