Homeless Shelter Deduction

SNAP Deduction for Homeless Shelter Cost


The worker may approve homeless families for a maximum of 30 calendar days of protective/preventive child care when the family does not meet another need factor. The definition of homeless includes families who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate night time residence and includes families who: Temporarily share housing with other persons due […]


Homeless – when a person does not have a fixed residence.  Policy regarding this term is located at: Child Care Subsidy: 340:40-7-8. Defining the need factor for child care benefits SNAP: 340:50-1-3. Utilization of benefits; 340:50-5-7.1. Residents of institutions; 340:50-5-29. Homeless households; 340:50-5-66. Residence; 340:50-5-100. Able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) work requirements and time limits; […]