Topic: Presumptive Eligibility
Instructions for coding cases regarding Presumptive Eligibility
County Staff may approve child care through the presumptive eligibility process for up to 30 calendar days. On the Child Care Tab in Eligibility Notebook: Application Source – Select appropriate choice Action Taken – Open Request Date – Date client contacts Agency and requests services Certification Date – Date eligibility for child care was determined […]
The worker may approve homeless families for a maximum of 30 calendar days of protective/preventive child care when the family does not meet another need factor. The definition of homeless includes families who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate night time residence and includes families who: Temporarily share housing with other persons due […]
Presumptive Eligibility processing means the worker may approve a maximum of 30-calendar days of child care based on limited information. As such, the client is “presumed” eligible until a full eligibility determination can be made. The client may or may not have a copayment depending on the circumstances of the case. Presumptive Eligibility processing may […]
When is P/P child care appropriate?
How to request a P/P child care extension request.
What is required for a P/P extension request?