Topic: utility provider
340:20-1-10 340:20-1-13 Vulnerability means that the household is totally or partially responsible for the cost of home energy. The household must meet the vulnerability requirement in order to receive LIHEAP benefits. The household is still considered vulnerable when the utility provider temporarily disconnects the household’s service. Households that do not have any home energy expenses […]
Policy: 340:20-1-20. Summer cooling 340:20-1-19. Winter heating 340:20-1-17. Energy Crisis Assistance Program (ECAP) Unlike the traditional utility account, the prepaid account is a pay as-you-go account. The household puts funds on the account prior to using the utility and the funds are drawn down as the utility is used. Sometimes the prepaid account can be […]
Instructions regarding 105 Screens and LIHEAP / ECAP Information
Explanation of Assistance Programs through Utility Providers