Child Care Subsidy: How to Write a Child Care Overpayment

When a worker determines that there has been an overpayment on a case, an overpayment memo must be emailed to the Benefits Integrity and Recovery Section (BIRS) at

Include the following information in the memo as appropriate for each case:

  • Case Name and case number
  • Time frame of the overpayment
  • Date case was corrected
  • Discovery date – the discovery date is the date the agency first became aware of the situation that led to the overpayment claim
  • Explanation of circumstances resulting in overpayment, with as much detail as possible
  • Date of employment/new employment
  • Date, type and amount of resources received
  • Date and amounts of income received, including date of first check

Maintain copies, in imaging, of all documents sent to BIRS and all documents returned to the county from BIRS.

Supporting documentation should be included with the claim referral including:

  • Copy of award letter or verification of start date for VA, SSI, workers compensation, etc.
  • Copies of pay stubs, bank statements, trusts, rental lease, etc.
  • Copies of statements such as separate household statements, employer statements, statements from individuals regarding client’s circumstances, etc.
  • Other verifications or documents related to the overpayment

In addition, specific to the Child Care program:

  • Name of child(en) in care
  • Person code(s) and date(s) of birth of child(ren) in care
  • Name of vendor(s) involved, contract number(s) and star status
  • Original and new family share co-payment amounts, if applicable
  • If the overpayment occurred because there was not a need factor, include this information
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