The worker should ensure that persons fully understand their rights and responsibilities and the possible consequence of refusal to participate at the time of the initial interview and anytime changes are made to participation assignments.
If the TANF recipient fails to participate in the TANF program as agreed, then the worker needs to review the sanction process per Policy 340:10-2-2 Sanction Process.
The worker must try to contact the client, preferably face-to-face, to determine if good cause exists for not participating. See the related article Determining Good Cause for Failure to Participate. If good cause does not exist the worker should close the TANF section using reason 52A TANF Work Sanction for the next effective date. Case notes should clearly document what requirements were not met, and all contact with the client regarding the sanction. Ensure Form 08TW002E (TW2), TANF Work/Personal Responsibility Agreement, and any other related documents are imaged in the case file.
If a required registrant has less than 9 hours of participation entered using ETE Transaction in IMS for two consecutive months without a good cause line, the case will automatically close with reason 52B. Cases are not expected to close on 52B as typically the worker should have already identified the lack of participation and closed the case on 52A.
When TANF is closed on 52A or 52B, the medical section will need to be closed the same effective date. This is not an automatic process. Medical Section should be closed for Other (69). Hand generated notice must be sent to apply for medical benefits through SoonerCare Online Enrollment. For further medical benefits the person will need to apply through OHCA. If Daycare section is open, it should remain open for 90 days. The worker should close after 90 days if no need factor is reported by the client.
If there has been no contact with the client in 30 calendar days after the closure date, the worker needs to attempt a home visit to determine the family’s circumstances.
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